IM Profile


Siemens IMP utility classes for accessing the functionality of a wireless module.


Interface Summary
ATCommandListener The ATCommandListener interface defines the capabilities for receiving unsolicited AT-Events (e.g. like "RING") and changes of the relevant incoming interface signals (RING, DCD and DSR).
ATCommandResponseListener The ATCommandResponseListenerListener interface defines the capabilities for receiving the response of sending an AT command to a module's AT interpreter.
BearerControlListener The BearerControlListener interface defines the capabilities for receiving bearer (e.g.
CommConnectionControlLines The CommConnectionControlLines interface extends CommConnection with the capabilities of actuating on the control lines of a device, which is connected through a CommConnection port.
CommConnectionControlLinesListener The CommConnectionControlLinesListener interface defines the capability for receiving state changes of the DTR signal.
InPortListener The InPortListener interface defines the capabilities for receiving value changes at the input ports of the general purpose IO driver (GPIO).
LimitPulseCounterListener The LimitPulseCounterListener interface defines the capabilities for receiving the indication of a LimitPulseCounter when it has completed counting its number of pulses.

Class Summary
ATCommand The ATCommand class supports the execution of AT commands on the same way, as it would be done through a serial interface.
ATStringConverter The ATStringConverter class contains conversion functions for easy conversion between Java strings and GSM or UCS2 encoded strings to be used for parameters of several AT commands via the ATCommand class.
BearerControl The BearerControl class provides the ability to get bearer state events and to hang-up the bearer.
File Deprecated. Use instead
InPort This class supports the access and configuration of a port of input pins of the general purpose IO driver (GPIO).
LimitPulseCounter This class supports the access and configuration to the limit pulse counter of the general purpose IO driver (GPIO).
OutPort This class supports the access and configuration of a port of output pins of the general purpose IO driver (GPIO).
StartStopPulseCounter This class supports the access and configuration to the start/stop pulse counter of the general purpose IO driver (GPIO).

Exception Summary
ATCommandFailedException Signals that a requested device access via the ATCommand class failed.

Package Description

Siemens IMP utility classes for accessing the functionality of a wireless module. This package contains utility classes for execution of AT commands and easy access of the flash file system of a wireless module.

IM Profile

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